Do you want to create unique and eye catching digital infrared images – something really unique, but not so complex you’ll have to spend years studying ?
Then these are the Digital Infrared Photoshop Tutorials you’ve been looking for.

This specially designed Digital Infrared Photoshop Tutorials Master Class is much more than “how to” instructions. It’s a complete set of post-processing recipes created in response to participants at my workshops and from website visitor questions and problems. It contains everything you need to post-process your digital infrared photos. In fact, it was made for the serious digital infrared photographer.
As you scan the pages of the main book you’ll become excited by the potential you’re seeing. You’ll see it’s not complicated and you’ll quickly understand how easy it is to make the great infrared images you’ve always wanted! The secret is in using Photoshop (CS6 to PS 2022) to it’s maximum advantage.
Then, as you open the included layered Photoshop files on your computer, you’ll be doubly amazed at how simple it is to follow the recipes and replicate the beauty of the images for your own photos. Feel how satisfied you’ll be when you complete the processing of your first infrared image and it is STUNNING!
The Digital Infrared Photoshop Tutorials Program (Instant Download)
Here’s what you will get:
First, The Handbook of Infrared Post-processing Recipes – Invisible Vision, contains over 102 pages full of digital infrared Photoshop tutorials and post-processing methods.
Far more detailed than the basic digital infrared Photoshop tutorials you find on the Web in the forums and post places online!
With more than 206++ combinations of post-processing techniques it gives you a stunning assortment of digital infrared looks, styles and renderings, so you can create your own infrared style, or duplicate exactly the award-winning infrared Photoshop techniques I have developed.
Black & White infrared; and all sorts of colors – digital infrared photography at its most creative!
Learn how to take your images from blah to brilliant in seconds!

This tutorial program is a complete set of Artistic Digital Infrared Photoshop Tutorials, developed by a Master of Photographic Arts and the Canadian Photographic Artist of the Year, whose digital Infrared Images have won numerous national awards and competitions at the professional level. (Yep, this is me!) You’ve probably seen some of my infrared work as it’s nationally exhibited through the PPOC (Professional Photographers of Canada) Loan Collection. (See all my awards on the About Me page! And view my infrared portfolio site here.) I have been accredited in fine art photography as well as stock photography, and have earned the Craftsman of Photographic Arts designation. Plus I love to share when I find some new technique or method!
NEXT: What else you’ll get in this program:
- 6 email lessons on how to shoot high quality infrared images (distilled from my popular 3 day infrared course, normally $1499 per student)
- the fully loaded 102 page Photoshop tutorial guidebook (Invisible Vision) with nothing but mix ‘n match post-processing techniques and Photoshop recipes for outstanding infrared photos (a $79.00 value)
- Layered Photoshop files of all the example images and the methods used to create the looks and styles (access to the “how to” of my award winning images)
- automation scripts so you can run the basic recipes directly from Photoshop!
- image self-evaluation kit to assess your photographic infrared images and where you did well, and where you can improve
- a complimentary personal email image critique (a $69.00 value)
- Compatible with Photoshop CS2 up to PS CC2022. (Most, but not all recipes also work with Photoshop Elements.)
- Works with cameras using an IR filter over the lens (R72 recommended) or a converted digital camera, like a converted Nikon D70 or other converted DSLR camera dedicated for shooting infrared (using the R72 equivalent filter). **
- Access to my new private Facebook group for participants in this program, extend your learning, share your successes, be part of the fine art infrared photo community.
Get it all for 47.98 USD, instant download. Click below to get instant access to the infrared Photoshop tutorials!
NEW COVID-19 Price 37.99

If you have a coupon code from Digital Photography School (DpS), with this new price you're getting this product at a lower price than if you use the coupon.

You’ll also learn how to:
- Use the obscure gradient map to achieve spectacular images in a variety of colours + black & white infrared
- Use precision recipes to create outstanding colour and a myriad of black and white infrared image styles
- Learn why digital infrared, even with a filter, is NOT the same as film infrared
- Find out how to correctly use the Selective Color tool
- Apply Photoshop settings to create fantasy colors and ethereal environments
- Create your own infrared recipes to share, sell or just to reproduce on other images
- Achieve colors and tones that go far beyond the typical infrared image
- Artistically display or print your images for the maximum wow factor
- See things more creatively and understand why infrared photography can be the most fun to shoot
Money is tight for us all these days. Maybe you’re a bit bored with health orders in place, keeping you in isolation. But perhaps this small discount will help get you going in infrared photography if you find yourself with extra time at home.
Get it now, at this special introductory price of 47.98.
New COVID-19 Price $37.99 US

Now I do have a confession to make – these Infrared Photoshop Tutorials are not for everyone. The Course Content assumes that you know a fair bit about Photoshop and have had some previous experience shooting and processing infrared images before this. This is for serious photographers, it is not a beginner program.
But if you are ready to ramp up your digital infrared photography skills and are prepared to take it to the next level, you will be thrilled with your results after following this innovative Photoshop post processing tutorials.
30 day guarantee – I personally guarantee if you make a diligent effort to use just a few of the techniques in this course, you’ll produce more stunning infrared images than you ever have before. If you don’t, I’ll refund the entire cost of the download course to you.
There has never been a more opportune time to allow yourself the luxury of learning, especially when it comes to your passion. Think about how great it will feel to be recognized for your art! The alternative is muddling around on your own, trial and error, or worse, wasting time searching online for better infrared Photoshop tutorials. I know what I choose! Sign up now.
Get everything now, at this special web price of 37.99

If you have a coupon code from buying the NPC Infrared Actions, use this form to enter it below and click the SUBMIT COUPON to receive your discount.
Get it now, I promise you’ll be delighted!

P.S. Remember this is a special price. I may have to change it without notice. One of the great things about these tutorials is that they are still unknown – their uniqueness makes the effects ultra cool. I may have to increase the price to keep it exclusive. 🙂
See what they’re saying.
My happy customers have a lot to say about the Infrared Photoshop Processing Course
This program focuses on the missing part of infrared photography – how to get your infrared photos to look like something gorgeous. I didn’t really know what to expect but I was totally thrilled with the results I got. When is your next infrared book coming out? –

Debbie Kielmann,
UKI wanted to thank you for your thoughtful and specific, positive comments; and especially for your specific suggestions. Your course as been very beneficial to me as I learn this new genre. One of the things that has impressed me greatly is your comment about the challenge of shooting beyond the common water/sky/trees combination. I am finding that here in the middle of the Midwest United States, that challenge is a huge one.
You urging photographers to go beyond the usual scene (and finding it difficult so far) led me to see if I could distinguish some of my infrared photos with out-of-the-ordinary color tones. Thank you so, so much for your positive reaction to that unusual color in my critiqued photo. It is a direction in which I feel creative, so thank you for your positive response.
I have your “Invisible Vision” book in my desktop files, and I routinely go back to it time and again for direction and help.
I’ve appreciated your personal attention to my questions along the way and I thank you again for your very helpful materials and for your time.
P.S. Your cropping suggestions were right on point. It reminds me to be more aware of where I’m leading the eye of viewer. Again…I thank you!

LeAnn Wood
I got my D70 back from the conversion several weeks before I started your course and was frustrated with the results. Your course gave me the tools to get the most out of my camera, experiment with a new way of seeing, and relearn emphasizing composition vs colour for visual impact. My IR photography has greatly improved and the experience has improved my colour photography. Many thanks.

Doug Derksen,v
Canada“I have looked thru the program and I think it’s really great. I think you have a winner. I have bought another IR photography book and it deals with everything you need to know about digital ir photography, but I feel it falls short on the post-processing chapter. Your program deals with the post-processing and that is all it covers, which I think is really the best part about it.”- ,

Gary Rochus
Photographer, USA“This was an awsome book and lesson for anyone who whats to get into IR and be able to turn out great looking pictures quickly. I highly recommend this to everyone, you wont be sorry it was money well spent. Great Job Alex!!!!!”-

Jeff Rennie
Photographer, USA“Alex – got both your books now – all I can say is excellent and I love the style. Got the Infrared one first as I use, among other things, a Nikon D100 converted for Infrared. Keep up the good work…”- ,

Andrew Miller
Photographer, UKAn excellent review of infrared techniques for the beginner looking for an introduction to exposure and composition to the seasoned professional seeking Photoshop guidance to optimize images captured in this medium.The “Self Assessment Guide”an invaluable tool that every photographer should use to evaluate their photographs regardless if they are taken in infrared or in color. I would highly recommend this thoughtful review in infrared techniques and applications to those of all experience levels who are looking to make the most of their IR images.Thank you Alex for the prompt follow-ups to issues and questions that I had related to the course. I wish you much success and appreciate you offering your expertise in this specialty field. I hope you will offer more classes and workshops in infrared in the future! You can count on my participation!”