Perfect photos on a Retina display?
So you know I am a big iPad/iPhone photography fan, so I had noticed that when looking at images on blogs and G+, on my iPad, some looked amazingly clear and sharp while others looked soft and mushy. I definitely didn’t want my images to look degraded and soft! How to fix this?
I know that there were almost as many pixels per inch in retina display devices like iPhones and newer iPads. Looking in to this a bit further, i discovered that the optimal resolution and image sizing for retina display devices s is 264 ppi/dpi. And 2046 pixels wide is a good size for websites (social media).
But some say that the ppi/dpi image sizing for retina display devices is irrelevant for image quality on a screen. Does ppi/dpi affect file weight (kb or mb)? We know that 2048 pixels is wider that most websites (usually around 960 pixels wide). How will all these factors affect the quality of your image on a retina display?
However, after uploading 2 versions of one of my new images to G+ and looking at the difference I was astounded! I wondered if I had really shot said image! It was amazingly sharp and detailed.
But higher resolution, more bandwidth, longer loading times. How do you think this retina resolution trend will go and what will it mean for the Web and the display of your images?
If you have a retina display idevice, check this link on G+ and see how it looks compared to this one. Does image sizing retina display devices make a difference?

Retina Display devices for optimal image wow factor!