Isn’t it always about me! hahah. But seriously, if you are here you probably want to know all about nature-photography-central.com and who is behind this site and why it exists. And this is the place to find out!
nature-photography-central.com is my passion. It evolved (and is ever evolving) out of my photographic quest and journey of transformation from a corporate slave to an independent entrepreneur. I’m Alexandra Morrison (she/her) and, yes, I am a professional photographer.
I don’t climb mountains or hike for days to the most remote places in the world (unless you include Winnipeg as remote!). But I do spend most of my time outdoors in nature, in the wilderness, camping, bike riding, and hiking in the most non-extreme way possible! Hahaha! Always with some camera gear and usually a rescued Rotweiller. You don’t have to be on the Red Bull adventure team to make amazing nature photos.
Unlike what you read on most other photographer’s bios, I was not always a photographer, although I did get serious about it back in my university days, and made a few bucks doing stock photography along the way. But like most others who are more artistically inclined, decided that to make a living in this world, I’d need to have a real job!
So I dutifully went to University and got a real job. But after many exciting but weary years in the world of management, I’d had enough of the daily grind. My lay-off as Director of Corporate Communications & Marketing from a software development company was my impetus for taking this part time photography job into a full-time gig.
Being in marketing for so long, I realized that making money with photography was less a function of “talent” and more of determination, persistence and yes, marketing. And in this day and age, a Web site is mandatory. After reading quite a bit about how to use the internet for marketing one’s business, I came to understand that what I really needed to do what to reach out to the World.
Now, another thing about me is that in 2000, I was half way to PhD in environmental science. I had just completed my course work and my dissertation proposal, and even a bit of initial research. Why a PhD? Simple, I LOVE teaching. I hoped I’d be able to quit the corporate rat race one day and teach eager minds about the amazing place in the Universe we occupy here on Earth.
But as always happens, I’d misinterpreted my true path – yes, teaching is what I wanted; yes, nature and the environment is the place I wanted others to appreciate, but there was one thing missing…
The added aspect of incorporating my creative energies was what was missing from this equation. Then when that fortuitous lay off happened, everything crystallized into what is now a blooming photographic education website and education venture! I put the PhD on hold and put all my energy into photography.
Now nature-photography-central.com is how I reach out to the world community of creative people like you who want to truly seize their artistic potential. I can teach and help, be creative and show off a little all at the same time. 🙂
My Photography Credentials?
For those of you that like the specifics, here are my academic and professional credentials:
- Master of Photographic Arts 2022
- Manitoba Photographer of the Year, 2015
- Accredited by PPOC in Fine Art Photography 2021
- Qualified PPOC Image Salon Judge – 2014
- Manitoba Photographic Artist of the Year, 2012
- Manitoba Photographer of the Year, 2011
- Canadian Photographic Artist of the Year, 2009
- Manitoba’s Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, 2007
- MA (Landscape Ecology, Urban Planning & Design) – University of Manitoba 1999
- BA (Honors Equivalent) – University of Winnipeg
- Bsc (Environmental Studies-Parks Planning) – University of Manitoba
- Registered Professional Photographer (Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC)
- Nationally Accredited in Stock Photography by the PPOC.
- Best General Photo, Most Creative Image, PPOC Manitoba, 2014
- Best General Photo, Most Creative Image, PPOC Manitoba, 2013
- Winner Best Fine Art Photograph PPOC National Print Show, 2007
- Awarded Excellence for “the Visit”, PPOC National, 2007
- Winner of four awards in the 2005 Manitoba Print Salon for Professional Photographers
- Awarded “Excellence” for photograph entitled Zero Hour at the PPOC National Salon in 2006
- Winner of Best Freestyle Image PPOC National 2006.
- Winner of Best in General Category, 2006 PPOC Manitoba Print Salon
- To see all my award winning images in one place, visit my portfolio site, www.alexandra-morrison.com

I’m a pretty laid back person, but when I get a chance to talk photography and the great outdoors, look out! It’s a cliche to say this, I know, but I am PASSIONATE about the mix of these 2 topics. If you have an event and want some inspirational banter from a kooky, quirky artsy fartsey photographer, I may be interested in your gig.
If you’re a camera club or bonafide photography organization just send me an email or contact me here and tell me what kind or presentation you’re looking for and I’ll let you know right away if I can help.
If you’re a conference or event planner and are looking for speakers, keynotes, instructor for a photographic convention or meeting I’d love to hear more from you too.
I am a huge music lover – here’s a sample of the audio goodness on my iPhone:
- Van Morrison – These Dreams of You, Astral Weeks, and more
- Ryan Adams – The entire album, Nuclear, and Heartbreaker.
- Steve Earle – all of his stuff
- NQ Arbuckle – if you haven’t heard of him see this. Then visit his site. He’s Canadian!
- Leonard Cohen
- Elvis Costello
- Josh Ritter – love, love love Josh! Harrisburg, or Change of Time, but everything he does is great.
- Canadians, The Barr Brothers
- Pit Bull (yes really)
Well, besides the great outdoors and all the strange mysteries of nature, what/who else inspires me?
Imogen Cunningham
Man Ray
I think I live in the greatest country in the world – Canada. (You can definitely disagree with me here if you’re from somewhere else!) Despite all the benefits of living in Canada, it’s still damn hard to start and grow a business. Can you imagine how difficult it is in a developing country?! I’ve had and still have the benefit of a good banker, fabulous employees, (a great accountant, yes even a couple of lawyers, ) to keep me on the right path, but in a developing country entrepreneurs don’t have such luxuries. Capital is hard to come by – and starting a business, especially for women, is almost impossible. I make KIVA one of my charities. KIVA is a micro-lending organization that helps small entrepreneurs in developing countries get their businesses started – or to expand. Join the nature-photography central KIVA team to LOAN 25.00 to a worthy entrepreneur.
I am also a huge huge animal lover, and to be honest, I usually prefer the company of dogs (and other animals) to many humans! I especially loved hanging around with my old rescued Rottweiler, Buzz (seen in the above photo). Old Buzz “crossed the rainbow bridge” in 2012, but I have new prince now, Baron another rescued Rottie (Baron left us to join Buzz in 2014, and my latest rescued Rottie is Troy. Sadly Troy – at 14 years old also joined his brothers in doggie heaven in October 2020, but I now have Tazz, a female Rottie that needed to be re-homed. Small Rotties are quite adorable!).

I donate and have volunteered for The Winnipeg Humane Society, D’Arcy’s Ark No Kill Shelter, and some other small animal-related causes. Revenue from this website helps me do what I love and helps me to give back to the things I believe are important in this world; independence, freedom to earn a livelihood of your choice, and the right of animals to be unmolested, and free in their native environments. As a female entrepreneur, I can with out hyperbole say “You don’t know how male-oriented the world is till you try to launch a startup!”
Now you know all About Me and NPC. I hope your visit here is productive and entertaining; I welcome your comments and feedback. If you’re serious about improving your photography, sign up for my free nature photography tips newsletter – it’s usually full of uncommon knowledge and unique information that you won’t find on all the other photo sites out there.
Happy clicking and thanks for reading!