Now this is bad news! GhostBird Software who make the awesome iPhone photo editing app, PhotoForge 2 – one of my all
time favorite apps, and one that I use almost daily, has been bought by Yahoo!. A rather uninformative message appeared on GhostBirds site in mid June.The app won’t be updated any more and we’re not sure what Yahoo! will be doing with it – Yahoo! recently acquired Flickr so maybe they have some plans for integrating the technology in the Flickr UI. I hope PhotoForge 2 emerges in some new way because it was one of the most high quality apps with professional level image editing tools and effects – not cheesy rip offs, or cheap and poorly implemented features.
The POP Cam Addon was brilliant and more than a few of my award-winning iPhone images had been edited in PhotoForge2. So Yahoo! if you’re listening to all the iPhone photogs out there – please keep this app in some robust form.