Need help making WOW Photos?
How I Won Top National Photography Awards 4,5,6,7, 8, 9, 10 Years in a Row, Using these
Ridiculously Simple Techniques!
If the creative WOW factor is still eluding you, and you’re not yet thrilled with your digital photographs…
Let me help you!
December 2014–> SOLD OUT. The thing with e-books about photography is the information can get out of date really fast with camera technology changing so rapidly. So to make sure that you’re getting UP TO DATE information on techniques and processes to make better photos, I’ve moved almost all my ebook info into online classes.
It’s much more interactive than a book and I can keep the info current much easier so you never have OLD information.
Watch for the link to the new classroom home page that lists all the upcoming courses. Or sign up for my free newsletter to be the first to know about new courses.
Learning to Love your Camera is one of the most popular and it is based on the information in this book, but better, funner (!) and way more helpful. 🙂
–> April
2014 – I am discontinuing sales of this e-book. I’m out of stock on the CDs so it’s downloads only. You can get it now for just 11.98.
If you’re new to photography, or digital photography, I’ll show you how you too can learn these simple steps so you can create magnificent professional looking nature (and any kind of other) photographs.
Some times all it takes is a little real guidance from someone who really understands the creative process. As an award-winning Registered & Accredited Professional Photographer, I’ve been there! From photographic nobody in 2004 to nationally accredited, and national award winner in 2005, and again in 2006 and again in 2007; and in 2009, Canadian Photographic Artist of the Year in 2009, Manitoba Photographer of the Year, in 2011 and 2012!
To get to that point, I methodically enhanced my creative skill level using a few uncommon methods, and in doing so captured major awards in both the National Image Competitions and Provincial Print Salons for the past 4 years in a row!
- Finalist, World photographic Cup 2014 – “One of the Top 10 Landscape Images on the World.”
- Most Creative Image, and best General Image Manitoba 2013
- Manitoba Photographic Artist of the Year, 2012
- Manitoba Photographer of the Year, 2011
- Best General Photograph, PPOC Manitoba 2011, 2012
- Best Fine Art Image, PPOC National Salon, 2010
- Best General Photograph 2 years in a row, PPOC Manitoba (2005, 2006)
- Best Freestyle Image PPOC National Image Salon 2006
- Best Fine Art Image PPOC National Image Salon TWICE! In 2007, and 2009
- Selected for the National Loan Collection each time I submitted images for competition: 2006, 2007, 2009 (2 images were selected!), 2010, 2011, and 2012.

–> January 2014 – I am discontinuing sales of this e-book. I’m out of stock on the CDs so it’s downloads only. You can get it now for just 11.98 <–
From teaching photography classes and workshops over the last eight years, I see firsthand the creative and technical struggles photographers have in making stunning images. But when you have proper guidance, it’s not so hard. So I’ve broken down the main problem areas that all nature photographers experience with the new digital camera technology and distilled these solutions into a powerful step by step manual, an almost free digital photo e-book, that’s packed with over 90 pages of concentrated knowledge. It’s what I use every time I click the shutter – and it’s made my work award winning every time I enter the Salons! You can do it too. It’s the foundation of great photographs.
Instant Download – 90 Page Almost free Digital Photography e-Book
If you have a coupon code enter it in the space below and click Submit Coupon!
This digital photography e-book details uncommon techniques that most other courses fail to elaborate upon, and explains it to you in super simple, and easy to follow steps.
In fact I’m also giving you all the resource files along with the manual – including bonus Textures and layered Photoshop files so you can follow along in precisely the same way I teach my workshops. More then just an e-book, it’s a complete photo improvement program.
If you have a coupon code enter it in the space below and click Submit Coupon!
[testimonial by=”Leanne Phair, Photographer”].You have an amazing talent for writing. Are you sure photo journalism isn’t in your future somewhere? You make things very interesting. You talked about things I truly need to learn if I am going to go forward with photography. [/testimonial]
[testimonial by=”– Gene Fortney, Nature Conservancy of Canada”]After the first session I was so much more confident in my ability to capture outstanding images, as well as understanding how to fix them if they weren’t quite what I wanted. I highly recommend this. — Gene Fortney, Nature Conservancy of Canada[/testimonial]
[testimonial by=”Mark Fenwick ” website=””]Great book! Nature photographers looking at learning all about digital photography should read this book, in fact any photographer who wants a solid grounding in the ins and outs of digital photography should read it! It covers a lot of ground, including an excellent section on infrared photography and some great tips for anyone starting out with Photoshop. I just can’t believe Alex is selling this e-book so cheap, it’s worth at least three times this price!” [/testimonial]
[testimonial by=” Anne”]I am amazed you have so much information packed into your 90+ pages plus the additional files. Your screen shots are very well presented, and your exercise on page 15 is brilliant. Also, I like the way you took the camera apart function by function and explained the pros and cons. Alex, you are the best. You make a great teacher. My very best wishes to you.[/testimonial]
[testimonial by=”Marianne T.”] It is an excellent book for beginners. I highly recommend this book. It gave me a ton of excellent ideas and very effectively written. I have learned an incredible amount from the book. [/testimonial]
So how much is all this super information going to cost? I knew you would ask!
–> January 2014 – I am discontinuing sales of this e-book. I’m out of stock on the CDs so it’s downloads only. You can get it now for just 11.98 <–
For less than the cost of a movie and a coke, you can be on your way to photographic greatness. In a world where photographic equipment sometimes requires a mortgage, I think this might be the best digital photography deal of the century!
I know that given just a little creative encouragement from someone who understands what you are trying to achieve, anyone who’s serious about improving their photography, WILL improve. This program puts this concentrated information and techniques within reach of the vast majority of photographers out there. If you’ve spent hundreds on your equipment, why not get FULL value for it, and see how much better it will work for you, if you have a little coaching :).
It’s not too expensive for even the humblest beginning photographer. And I want everyone with a digital camera to use this handbook. Because you just need to get set in the RIGHT direction. And that means ignoring the marketing hype of the camera makers and paying attention to the real techniques that WORK!
So if you’re serious about enhancing your photographic skills and want over 90 pages of surefire techniques that will launch your creativity into overdrive click the “Buy Now” button below to go to my secure download site for your Instant Download. Payments are processed through PayPal.
If you need to justify the expense, skip the Starbucks grande low fat double mocha extra foamy ice cap a couple of times this week and it’s paid for. 🙂
Don’t forget you also get all the layered PSD files, starter textures AND resources that make this e-book so easy to learn from! It’s the BEST $17. bucks you will invest in your photography!
Take action now! Get your copy of the almost free digital photo basics e-book.
If you have a coupon code enter it in the space below and click Submit Coupon! |
30 day full refund on the e-book only. If your photos don’t improve, after following the tutorials in this guide, I will personally refund your purchase.
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